It is a really fashionable fish for intermediate to skilled aquarists because it swims fairly graciously and with purpose and incorporates a nice and powerful jaw. Aquarists prefer to watch it feed, particularly live foods like earthworms and different insects. a real carnivore, the silver arowana are often aggressive, particularly toward smaller fish within the tank, therefore if you're reaching to keep Associate in Nursing arowana with different fish, opt for tankmates sagely. Fish that inhabit the center and lower portion of the aquarium's water column area unit preferred.
The silver arowana's domain is close to the surface, wherever it stays most of the time. The silver arowana may be a visual hunter, Associate in Nursingd it's been determined within the wild jumping out of the water to grab a pitiable bug from an overhanging limb.
The silver arowana isn't a beginner fish, however is additional appropriate for intermediate to advanced aquarists. It needs an outsized vivarium with robust filtration and a diet of primarily live foods like feeder fish, earthworms and different insects. it'll additionally eat floating foodsticks.
With correct care, the silver arowana may be a terribly hardy fish. It will have problems like gill curl, that is commonly attributable to dangerous water quality and restricted area to maneuver about; white spot (ich), cloudy eyes, and coned scales area unit the opposite arowana ailments. Common cures will remedy these conditions.
The silver arowana will grow to over three feet long. it's Associate in Nursing elongated body, nearly knifelike in look, with a compact and wedge-shaped head. it's a good, underhang jaw that opens sort of a trapdoor whenever it feeds. it's massive scales and 2 barbels hanging from the tip of its jaw, thence the scientific name bicirrhosum, which implies "two barbels." The barbels area unit sensory organs, ready to find movement on the water's surface.
The fish is found within the Amazon Basin, with connected species like the Asian arowana found in Asia, Associate in Nursingd an Australian species. It resides primarily in slow rivers and waters that flow into swamps and wetlands.
The silver arowana is best unbroken in massive aquariums with tankmates that area unit even as massive or too massive to suit into its mouth. The silver arowana will share area with larger fish that inhabit the lower strata of the vivarium, like clown knifefish, massive plecostomus, oscars and different massive cichlids. The silver arowana can even live alone or in teams of 3. The Australian arowana is best unbroken alone in its own vivarium. attributable to its physiology and natural habits, a protracted tank is desired over a tall one, with recommendations of the vivarium measurements capable 3 times the length of the arowana. A minimum tank size of seventy two by thirty by twenty four inches is good. 200 gallons is that the usually accepted minimum capability. Ideal water conditions area unit pH scale of vi.0 to 7.5 and a water temperature vary of 75-83 degrees Farenheit.
The silver arowana needs a protracted, rectangular vivarium with plenty of expanse to patrol because it spends most of its time swimming back and forth on the surface yearning for food. A lid is additionally needed because the arowana may be a terribly accomplished jumper. as a result of it chow such a lot, the silver arowana produces plenty of material, therefore frequent water changes area unit a requirement. Bi-weekly water changes of twenty to twenty five % area unit ideal. Pay special attention to water conditions and check for ammonia, nitrate and nitrites often.
Most silver arowana in captivity area unit bred on fish farms. The fish may be a mouthbrooder, with the male doing the attention for 3 weeks till the fry reach a size of around 3-4 centimeters, wherever they will then hunt on their own, returning to the male only if danger arises. At more or less 5 weeks, they leave the male permanently.
The Silver Arowana (Osteoglossum bicirrhosum) may be a long and beautiful fish noted for its voracious appetency and constant surface skimming, yearning for things to suit into its mouth. it's native to waterways of the river and different areas in South America.